
Portuguese Landscape Laboratory

The Guimarães Landscape Laboratory promotes research and development and education for sustainability. It responds to the main challenges launched by civil society, seeking to find innovative solutions that aim to contribute to improving the quality of life of the populations.

The Landscape Laboratory brought together the experience of managing the territory of local power, the knowledge provided by two of the most prestigious universities in the country, the University of Minho and the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and by a set of associations and private institutions that share the same values.

Among the objectives are the promotion of the efficient use of natural resources, preserving biodiversity and the sustainability of ecosystems, promoting awareness and awareness campaigns and promoting the active role of citizens, analyzing landscape dynamics, studying solutions that promote eco-efficiency in urban systems and encourage the development of innovative projects, promoting new economic sectors.



Rua da Ponte Romana,
4835-095 Creixomil, Guimarães

Telf.  253 421 218