The ANCV, established in 2015, is dedicated to advance green infrastructure in cities, especially green roofs on new or existing buildings, is crucial for fostering healthy, sustainable, biodiverse, and resilient urban environments.
We aim to promote green infrastructures in cities, especially those that can be installed in buildings (new or pre-existing) such as green roofs, highlighting their enormous importance, and the numerous contributions they can give to the possibility to create healthy, sustainable, biodiverse and resilient urban territories. In its mission, social bodies from different activities, it promotes collaboration between companies, municipalities and national and foreign research groups.
In the last decades, problems such as pollution, soil impermeabilization indexes, density and quality of buildings, energy inefficiency and loss of biodiversity, have been aggravated, at the same time that extreme (and increasingly frequent) climatic phenomena occurs, such as heat waves / drought and extreme precipitation phenomena.
The evidence of many services that green roofs can bring to the urban environment makes them part of the environmental strategy of modern cities, already an obligation in cities like Copenhagen and highly encouraged by a number of worldwide governments.
Rainwater retention and peak flood delay, thermal insulation, protection and increase of waterproofing life, creation of biodiversity niches, CO2 capture and oxygen production, associated with the improvement of the urban landscape and the appreciation of the buildings, are part of the set of arguments of undeniable value that make it unquestionable the need to introduce the green roofs in the cities, demonstrating the urgence to consider vegetation as a mandatory building material.
The Association's mission is to
promotion of green roofs
contributing to the
quality in its design, construction and
maintenance, aiming at the creation and
sustainable, healthy, bio urban
diverse and resilient.
- Promotion, with the Government and Municipalities, of green roofs as part of environmental and energetic strategies
- Promotion and dissemination of scientific studies that demonstrate the many services that green roofs provide
- Establishment of relationships and development of work with similar associations at the European level, with a special focus on those sharing
- Creation of a national database of green roofs
- Organization and promotion of training and dissemination events
- Dissemination of national and international studies, standards and technical guides
- Participation in the conception and revision of national sector regulation and legislation

Graduated in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), he has been working, since 1999, in landscape architecture, construction and maintenance of gardens, green roofs and green infrastructures. He is currently CEO of the company Neoturf and founded the company Landlab. He has already developed numerous garden and green roof projects, having coordinated the works / installation of the vast majority of these, some of them abroad.
He was the founder of the National Green Roof Association ANCV of which he is the current chairman of the board. In this context, we highlight the coordination of the working group for the first Portuguese technical guide for the design, construction and maintenance of green roofs, and more recently the authorship and coordination of Porto's fifths facade project, which aims to define how to introduce green roofs in the environmental and urban strategy of the city of Porto. This project was internationally distinguished and awarded at the “Green Infrastructure: Nature Based Solutions for Sustainable and Resilient Cities” conference (2017) held in Orvieto, Italy. He is currently President of the EFB (European Green Roofing Federation) board and representative of Portugal on the World green infrastructure network WGIN.
He has been conducting research on green roofs, nature based solutions, green infrastructures and ecosystem services, and many of these papers have been published.
He is often invited to take courses, classes at various universities, conferences and juries, nationally and internationally. Throughout his career he has won numerous national and international awards.

Cristina Calheiros is an Environmental Engineer (ESB-UCP) and PhD in Biotechnology (Environmental Science and Engineering). She is Senior Member of the Order of Engineers. She taught at the ESB-Universidade Católica Portuguesa and is an invited lecturer in the MSc in Environmental Sciences and Management at the Institute of Science and Environment at the University of Saint Joseph - Macau SAR / China. She is currently a researcher at CIIMAR-Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research at the University of Porto.
Her main research areas include: bioremediation of soils and waters, management and treatment of water, development and study of ecotechnologies (namely green roofs, plant beds and floating islands), green infrastructures and ecosystem services in urban context, education for sustainability and circular economy. She is a founding member of the Portuguese Association for Green Roofs (ANCV).

José Ávila e Sousa, graduated in Civil Engineering by the University of Coimbra, has consolidated his training through participation in seminars, conferences and international events, maintaining close contact with the scientific environment.
Currently he is the Technical Director of the Preceram Group, being also responsible for the Department of Communication and Image.
An enthusiastic about the themes of sustainability and innovation, in the scope of products for construction, he also coordinates the research and development of new products in several companies of the group, namely Gyptec Ibérica and Argex.

Cristina Matos Silva is a Civil Engineer with experience in design of structures and foundations, building services, thermal and acoustic behavior as well as construction supervisory services and technical assistance. She's currently an Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon. Her research interests focus on green infrastructures, namely on their economic evaluation, thermal and acoustic performance and maintenance planning in a Mediterranean climate. Her work also evaluates the efficiency of rainwater harvesting systems, at both urban and building scale and when combined with green roof solutions. She is a of founding member of the Portuguese Green Roof Association and a member the Portuguese Technical Committees for green roofing and rainwater harvesting systems in buildings.

Has a Bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture from the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto, and has taken part of her academic career in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark, as an Erasmus scholarship holder. Her professional career focused on Green Roofing, namely in design and project counseling. She is currently the general coordinator of Landlab Lda. She often hosts Workshops and Training Actions on Green Roofs and Green Walls.

Beatriz Castiglione é licenciada e mestre em Arquitetura Paisagista pela Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP), tendo realizado parte do seu percurso acadêmico na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), ao abrigo de um programa de mobilidade. Em 2014 foi bolseira de investigação do CIBIO (Research Center for Biodiversity and Genetic Resources), no Porto, onde fez investigação sobre agricultura urbana. Em 2015 exerceu como Arquiteta Paisagista no setor privado em Cuenca, no Equador, estando envolvida em projetos maioritariamente de carácter público. Em 2016 começou a trabalhar na Associação Nacional de Coberturas Verdes (ANCV) no “Projeto Quinto Alçado do Porto”, um projeto pioneiro em Portugal que teve como objetivo definir uma política de incentivo a coberturas verdes para a cidade do Porto. Desde janeiro de 2018 trabalha como Arquiteta Paisagista no departamento de projetos da Neoturf e é membro da Direção da Associação Nacional de Coberturas Verdes. É autora de artigos e publicações científicas.

Ana Cristina Rodrigues is Biological Engineering (UM, 1995), Master in Environmental Technologies and PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering (UM, 2003). Post-doctorate in requalification of eutrophic aquatic systems. Ana Cristina is Adjunct Professor and Deputy Director of the Escola Superior Agrária of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (ESA-IPVC). She is a researcher (integrated member) of the proMetheus-Research Unit in Materials, Energy and Environment for the Sustainability of IPVC and the Biological Engineering Center of the University of Minho (collaborating member). She was a founding partner of the spin-off Simbiente - Engenharia e Gestão Ambiental (2004-2009).
It develops pedagogical and technical-scientific activities in the areas of environmental management, ecotechnologies for the treatment of water and waste, conservation and recovery of ecosystems. She coordinates sustainability, circular economy and water efficiency projects.

Sofia Pereira holds a degree in Biology, a master's degree in Toxicology, and a PhD in Biology from the University of Aveiro. Currently, she is a Researcher and Assistant Professor at the Center for Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry, School of Biotechnology, Portuguese Catholic University.
Her research areas encompass the development of biotechnological tools aimed at enhancing plant growth and resilience to various environmental stresses, as well as the use of phytoremediation and phytomanagement strategies for the recovery of environmentally degraded areas, with a particular focus on environmental biotechnology. Promoting biodiversity and improving soil health are two fundamental pillars of her research.

Isabella Costa graduated in Environmental Management from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ/Brazil) in 2023, completing part of her studies through an International Academic Mobility program in Environmental Engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB/Portugal). She is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Environmental Technology at IPB.
Her professional journey has been focused on cartographic data analysis since 2017, primarily in the field of Geoconservation and Environmental Education. During this time, she conducted a Voluntary Scientific Research project on the conservation of the geological heritage of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. She continued her research in Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing, holding a scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) from 2018 to 2022. Her research emphasized urban planning, disaster risk mitigation, and the implementation of policies aimed at city resilience. In 2020, she contributed to research on the analysis of inorganic pollutants and microplastics in the hydrographic basin of Rio de Janeiro. In 2023, she conducted research at IPB focused on Circular Economy in conjunction with Bioconstruction, proposing solutions for the disposal of organic waste from Alheira bones.

Member Counselor and Specialist in Sanitary Engineering by the Order of Engineers. Civil Engineer (FEUP), PhD in Civil Engineering (Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment). He taught at FCTUC and ISEC, and is currently Retired Full Professor (Guest) of the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Aveiro. He is the author of three technical books and 160 articles in international magazines and congresses. He served in the public administration as Regional Director of the Environment of the Central Region (1987/88), President of the Central Region Coordination Commission (1989/90) and President of the Directing Council of the Center for Studies and Local Government (1992/96). He is the founder and current President of the ANQIP (National Association for the Quality of Buildings) and founder of the Portuguese Association of Water Resources (APRH) and the National Association of Green Roofs (ANCV). European Commission invited expert on water efficiency in buildings. He is the current President of the Board of Directors of the Order of Engineers in the Central Region.

Marta Helena Campos da Silva Moreira was born in Porto in 1973, has worked at Maia City Council since 1997 and has been on the staffing board since 2001, where she joined the career of senior technician at the then-designated Department of Environment and Quality of Life. In 2005 she assumed the role of coordinator and manager of the activities, services and human resources of the Quinta da Gruta Environmental Education Complex and the Avioso Park - S. Pedro, both of which are municipal facilities dedicated to the education and environmental awareness of various audiences. It is responsible for the implementation and execution of the Environmental Education Plan of the Municipality of Maia, the daily management of urban gardens in the Municipality of Maia, the implementation and monitoring of certification in Quinta da Gruta Organic Production Mode and the implementation and monitoring of various protocols. cooperation with various non-profit and for-profit external entities. On September 29, 2017, she was appointed Head of the Technical Unit to Support Environmental Education and Training of the Municipality of Maia. On December 1, 2017, she was appointed head of the Environment Division of the City Council of Maia.
present. She holds a degree in Public Relations and a postgraduate degree in Human Resource Management from the Instituto Superior da Maia, a master in Environmental Citizenship and Participation from the Open University, and a Course in Studies and Training for Senior Management of Local Administration (CEFADAL). CEFA Foundation. It also has several diverse formations, namely in the area of organic farming, aromatic and medicinal plants, green spaces, propagation of plants, urban gardens, waste, among others. It promotes several large environmental initiatives aimed at the general public. She often participates in interviews and live television programs as part of the dissemination of activities related to environmental issues.
She monitors student internships at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto and the Polytechnic of Porto. She is co-author of the book Social and Therapeutic Horticulture - Urban Gardens and Plant Activities in the Organic Production Mode, published by Publindustria, in 2013.

Has a PhD in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Algarve in the field of Plant Production, with a study on "Composting and characterization of vegetable residues for use as vegetable substrates". Assistant Professor of UALg at the Faculty of Natural Resources Engineering, since 1997, in areas of Agronomy: horticulture and agroindustrial and forest waste compounds.
Coordinated and participated in national and international IE&D projects on crops without soil and organic compounds as horticultural substrates.
In his curriculum he also has collaborations and participations in organized and scientific commissions, internships and theses, national and international scientific journals, book panels and chapters, in topics related to horticulture, compounds and substrates
He is a member of the Portuguese Horticultural Association and the International Society for Horticultural Science.

Licensed and Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture, respectively from ISA (Instituto Superior de Agronomia) in 1988 and from FCUP (Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto) in 2015, she has always combined teaching and research with professional practice.
Currently, she is a lecturer at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) in the Master's program in Landscape Architecture at UTAD, in the international postgraduate program in Urban Forestry (UFRRJ - Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro and UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro), and in the Bachelor's program in Forest Engineering and Biotechnology (UP - University of Porto and UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro).
Her research areas include landscape design and urban green spaces, and the application of plant material in urban areas, with publications in scientific and professional journals.
She is also the founder and director of the LRC - Landscape Architecture office, where she carries out work in planning and design, notably in mobility, river green corridors, parks, and gardens, having received national and international awards. In 2011, she was awarded the National Landscape Architecture Prize in the Infrastructure Integration category, in 2012 and 2013 the National Landscape Architecture Prizes in the Parks and Gardens category, and in 2022 the International Land Award - Nature and Artifice for the "Leça River Green Corridor" project.

Has a degree in Biology and a Phd in Ecology from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. Currently is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and belongs to cE3c, Center for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Change. She leads the Environmental Change Ecology group where, among other subjects, develops research in the area of urban ecology. In particular, the importance of urban green infrastructures for the provision of various ecosystem services, such as air purification, climate regulation, water infiltration, soil protection and human well-being. Within this scope they are still interested in the development of ecological and sustainable green roofs cover in environments with low water availability.

Has a PhD in Civil Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, USA, where he later spent a year as a guest researcher.
He is currently a university professor at the University of Coimbra and president of ITeCons.
Prof. Doutor Luís Calafate
1st Secretary
Prof.ª Dra. Cristina Branquinho
2nd Secretary
Prof. Doutor António Tadeu
Eng. Paulo Palha
Prof. Dra. Cristina Calheiros
Eng. Ávila e Sousa
Prof. DoctorSilva Afonso
1st Vowel
Doctorª Marta Moreira
2nd Vowel
Prof. Doctor Mário Reis